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Sending an Engaging Follow-Up Email After Your Interview

Congratulations! You've successfully completed a job interview and now you're eagerly waiting to hear back from the hiring team. But before you hit that send button on your follow-up email, it's essential to navigate the dos and don'ts to ensure you make a lasting impression. Sending an engaging follow-up email can help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing that dream job. So, let's dive into the right way to craft a follow-up email that leaves a positive impact!

Timing Is Everything

As tempting as it may be to send an immediate follow-up email, it's crucial to exercise patience. Give the hiring team some breathing space to evaluate other candidates and make their decisions. Waiting a few days before sending your follow-up email shows professionalism and respect for their process.

Setting the Right Tone

Your follow-up email should strike the perfect balance between professional and courteous. While it's important to maintain the same level of enthusiasm from the interview, avoid being too casual or overly familiar. Keep the tone formal, polite, and to the point. This is not the time for jokes or self-deprecating humor; instead, focus on conveying your genuine interest in the role and the next steps of the hiring process.

Crafting an Effective Follow-Up Email

To ensure your follow-up email hits the mark, here's a step-by-step guide to help you compose a concise and impactful message that will grab the attention of the hiring team:

  1. Subject Line: Don't overthink it! Instead, make your subject line simple and relevant. Replying to the most recent email thread or including your name, the interview date, and time can do the trick. For example: "John Smith - Re: Interview on Tuesday at 4pm."

  2. Introduction: If you've built rapport with the person you're contacting and have established a more informal relationship, it's appropriate to address them by their first name. However, if in doubt, stick with their title and surname for a professional approach.

  3. Body Text: Keep it concise and focused. Start by expressing your gratitude for the interviewer's time and reiterate your interest in the position. Be specific about the job title and interview date to provide context. Politely ask for an update on the recruitment process, emphasizing your eagerness to hear about the next steps. Remember, brevity is key!

  4. Signing Off: Conclude your email by inviting the interviewer to ask any additional questions they may have. Close with a simple "looking forward to hearing from you" followed by a genuine "thank you" and your full name.

Double-Check and Hit Send

Before you send your follow-up email, take a moment to proofread it meticulously. Check for spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and ensure the email is well-formatted and easy to read. Running a spellchecker can be a lifesaver!

Here is a Bonus Tip

  • Exploring Alternative Follow-Up Methods. While email is a common medium for follow-up communication, consider the nature of the job and the preferences of the interviewer. Depending on the situation, alternative methods such as instant messaging platforms like

  • Google Hangouts

  • LinkedIn Messenger

  • a phone call,

  • or even WhatsApp

might be more suitable. If you've been working with a recruiter, they can also assist you in following up with the hiring manager on your behalf.

Sending an engaging follow-up email after an interview is an art that can significantly impact your chances of securing a job offer. By carefully choosing the right time, maintaining a professional tone, and crafting a concise and personalized message, you demonstrate your enthusiasm and professionalism to the hiring team. Remember, attention to detail and genuine interest go a long way. So, grab your keyboard, follow the guidelines, and make that follow-up email shine! Best of luck in your job search!

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